Karthikeyan Sundararajan


Get user details from Azure AD

Recently I came across a challenge in my work. We are using a CI tool and using an inbuilt authorization mechanism(roles) to control access to the users. CI tool is integrated with Azure AD. We had 300+ entries in the user > roles assignment list and reached the maximum limit.

We also know that there are multiple people who left the organization whose entries are still present.

So, I was looking for a quick solution that will help me the list of people who left the organization, whose entry is still exist in the CI tool authorization list.

I was Googling at couple of solutions like ApacheDirectoryStudio, ldapsearch and couple of others.

I knew, I can list the users from Azure AD Web UI.


I then started thinking, if it is possible with Web UI, there should be a CLI for this. After Googling for Azure AD CLI, found this.


So, I have to install Azure CLI,

brew install azure-cli

Getting authentication and authorization configuration was faily simple, below command will redirect to your browser and use SSO to login into Azure.

az login --allow-no-subscriptions

Once I logged in with the CLI, I used below script to check if the user is still present in the Azure AD or not. This will print the users whose details are not present in Azure AD.


while IFS= read -r line; do
    length=$(az ad user list --upn $line | jq length)
    if [[ $length == "0" ]]; then
       echo $line
done < jenkins-users.txt

jenkins-users.txt. In this file I had the list of user list whoes entries were present in the CI tool’s authorization list.