JQ CheatSheet
If condition
aws apigateway get-rest-apis --profile prod | jq '.items[] | select(.name == "My Secure API") | .id' -r
Multiple if condition
aws s3api get-object-tagging --bucket my-bucket --key screenshot.png | jq '.TagSet[] | select(.Key == "dev" and .Value == "true")'
If condition, print parent element
aws apigateway get-rest-apis --profile prod | jq '.items[] | . as $item | select(.name == "My Secure API") | $item'
If condition, print parent element with contains
aws elbv2 describe-load-balancers | jq --arg lbname \"${lb_name}\" '.LoadBalancers[] | select( (.LoadBalancerName | contains($lbname)) and .Scheme == "internal" ) | .DNSName' -r
Pass argument to jq from Jenkins sh step
aws appconfig list-configuration-profiles --application-id ${appId} | jq --arg rds \"${rds_name}\" '.Items[] | select(.Name == $rds) | .Id' -r
Find all the deployment names in Kubernetes, which contains environment variable value from from Kubernetes secret with specific key
k get deploy -o json \
| jq '.items[] | . as $item
| .spec.template.spec.containers[].env | select (. != null)
| .[].valueFrom | select (. != null)
| .secretKeyRef | select (. != null)
| select (.key == "YOUR_KUBERNETES_SECRET_KEY") | $item
| .metadata.name' -r